+41 22 347 66 70  consultation@clearvision-geneve.ch

Corneal transplant

A clinic specializing in

Corneal transplant

Advanced techniques

Our specialists use state-of-the-art ophthalmic surgery techniques to perform your corneal transplant.

Adapted equipment

We have an environment and medical equipment adapted to urgent and non-urgent ophthalmic surgery.

Post-operative follow-up

Our doctors guarantee optimal post-operative follow-up until complete remission.

What is a corneal transplant?

Corneal transplantation is an ophthalmologic surgery technique performed by a specialized ophthalmologic surgeon. It consists of replacing the diseased cornea with a healthy cornea from a donor.

It is the most common donor tissue transplant in Europe. It is also one of the easiest to perform and provides the best results. The risk of rejection is also very limited, ranging from 5 to 20% in the long term.

Corneal transplantation allows many patients suffering from corneal deformity or opacity to regain good vision in the long term. It helps to eliminate chronic pain caused by various corneal injuries.

How does it work?

There are two types of corneal transplants. The technique used depends primarily on the condition being treated. It can be a replacement of the entire cornea, also known as transfixing keratoplasty, or a replacement of a portion of the diseased cornea, also known as lamellar keratoplasty.

In the case of a corneal transplant, the hospital stay may be limited to a few hours or may require one or more nights in some situations. The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. In the days preceding the surgery, a laser iridotomy is performed in consultation, if necessary.

Post-operative treatment consists of instilling (drip-feed) eye drops with antibiotics and local anti-rejection corticosteroids. This treatment must be continued for several months to avoid any complications. Other surgical procedures may also be associated with a corneal transplant such as the removal of a cataract and its replacement by an artificial lens implant.

The corneal transplant summarized in a few steps

An initial consultation allows the necessary examinations to be carried out and a diagnosis to be made of the pathology affecting the cornea.

Corneal transplant specialist(s)

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Dr Zsolt Varga

Dr. Varga graduated from Cambridge University of Medicine and completed his specialization in ophthalmology and advanced training in ophthalmic surgery in England. As a specialist in the Swiss Medical Association (FMH), he teaches ophthalmology to physicians in training.

Dr Claude Schwarz

Diplômé à l’université de Genève, le Docteur Schwarz suit une formation postgraduée en ophtalmologie aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. Il se spécialise ensuite en chirurgie oculoplastique et cataracte en Angleterre.


Clara Duval

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Martin Denis

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Frederic Dupont

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Our partners


Contact us

Dr Varga +41 22 347 66 70

Dr Hulliger +41 22 343 15 48

Dr Sansonetti +41 22 301 88 01

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