+41 22 347 66 70  consultation@clearvision-geneve.ch

Oculoplasty of a woman

A clinic specializing in



Our oculoplasty specialists put their extensive experience at your disposal for all types of surgery.

Adapted equipment

We welcome you in a clinic equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.

Complete follow-up

Our teams will accompany and guide you from the beginning of your operation to the post-operative phase.

Cataract surgery

What is oculoplasty?

Oculoplasty is a specialty of ophthalmic medicine that focuses on reconstructive or plastic surgery of the eye and the structure around the eye. Oculoplastic surgery includes all surgical procedures involving the eyelids, lacrimal passages, and the orbit.

It includes eyelid repair, tear duct repair and orbital decompression. Aesthetic procedures to rejuvenate the eyes are also included in oculoplasty.

This functional and aesthetic surgery is performed when the normal structure of the eye has been altered or deformed by trauma, burns, tumors, malformations or general illness.

The goal of reconstruction through oculoplasty is threefold: to restore the anatomical structure of the eye, to restore its functions and to give it a more aesthetic appearance.

How does it work?

The reasons for consulting for oculoplasty are varied. They mainly concern problems related to pathologies of the eyelids, the orbit and the lacrimal tract or concern the aesthetics of the eyes.

The aesthetics of the eyes is at the heart of oculoplasty techniques. Indeed, in most cases, the functional problem affecting the eye is at the origin of an aesthetic problem. Oculoplasty can therefore provide global solutions to this dual challenge.

Oculoplasty is above all a high-precision surgery that requires a good diagnosis and a great deal of experience to perform the right surgical procedure. And for good reason: the proximity of the areas to be operated on to the eyeball requires excellent anatomical knowledge as well as expertise in microsurgery.

Most oculoplastic procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis. However, some procedures may require a short hospital stay.

Our specialists are here to refer you according to your problem and your history: don’t hesitate to ask for advice and ask all your questions during your next consultation.

Oculoplasty summarized in a few steps

An initial consultation allows the necessary examinations to be performed and a diagnosis to be made. The specialist evaluates the patient’s ocular health, his problems and his medical history.

Oculoplasty specialist(s)

Dr Zsolt Varga

Diplômé à l’Université de Médecine de Cambridge, le Docteur Varga complète sa spécialisation en ophtalmologie et sa formation approfondie en ophtalmochirurgie en Angleterre. Spécialiste FMH (Fédération des médecins suisses), il enseigne l’ophtalmologie aux médecins en formation.

Dr Claude Schwarz

After graduating from the University of Geneva, Dr. Schwarz did postgraduate training in ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Geneva. He then specialized in oculoplastic and cataract surgery in England.

Dr Joël Salzmann

Diplômé à l’université de Genève, le Docteur Salzmann suit une formation postgraduée en ophtalmologie et en médecine interne générale aux Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG). Après avoir suivi la formation britannique d’ophtalmologie, il est formé dans les hôpitaux de Londres.

Dr Christopher Van Issum

Dr. Van Issum graduated from the University of Geneva and trained at the University Hospitals of Geneva. He specialized in eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery at the University Hospitals of Auckland and Bristol.

Dr Raphaël Wuarin

Diplômé à l’université de Genève, le Docteur Wuarin suit une formation postgraduée en ophtalmologie aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève et à l’Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules-Gonin à Lausanne.  


Clara Duval

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Martin Denis

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Frederic Dupont

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Contact us

Dr Varga +41 22 347 66 70

Dr Hulliger +41 22 343 15 48

Dr Sansonetti +41 22 301 88 01

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